At the time of this writing, March is almost over and that means most of us…especially those of us living in the northern sections of the country…are starting to turn our thoughts to those blessed warmer months. It’s during this time of the year when, in addition to thinking about how that warm air feels on our skin, it also dawns on many of us that skin show-off time is part of the equation. In other words, exposed skin for others to see. In addition to diet plans and exercise routines becoming part of our calendar, or as much as willpower will allow, skin care becomes a part of our lives, too. Yes, our feet will make an appearance again, especially around the pool, beach or even around town with snow boots being replace by sandals or other open-toed shoes.
We all know cold weather months are pretty rough on feet. Yet, many of us tend to ignore the skin of our feet since they tend to stay hidden during those cold, dry months. But, it’s those cold and very dry air months that play havoc on the skin of our feet.
Because of that, and the fact that those warm air barefoot days will be upon us very soon, the time is now to begin a routine of using a good quality moisturizing cream regimen on our feet, as well as legs. Liberal use of Beauchamp’s Hand Lotion is a fantastic option to get your legs and feet looking and feeling great, just in time to show off that skin.
Beaucham & O’Rourke has been taking care of legs, feet, as well as the rest of the body for four generations. Beachamp’s Hand Lotion was first formulated over 70 years by Fred Beauchamp and his partner, William O’Rourke. It’s been a much loved and used skin lotion for all that time, with most people purchasing it over and over again. We’re sure you will be one of them.
Please give Beauchamp’s Hand Lotion a try. Just pour some of this hand lotion in the palm of your hands, rub it all over your legs and feet at least once a day and your skin will be ready to show off when the warm weather comes around.