I guess the most appropriate article to write within our new News section is that our News section is new! Yes, we have just launched our latest way to inform you about hand cream and lotion and to keep in touch with you regarding what is happening with Beauchamp’s Hand Lotion.
From time to time, we will post articles of interest to you regarding dealing with annoying dry and chapped skin and the wonders of hand cream and lotion. For instance, did you know that long, hot steamy showers can actually dry your skin? You would think that extended contact with water would have hydrating effects but the opposite is true! You see, hot water removes natural oils, leading to dry, chapped skin. So, shorten those hot showers or switch to warm water. And, when you’re done showering, pat yourself dry…don’t rub.
Still, you probably won’t be able to avoid dry skin all the time, especially throughout the cold, dry months we’re heading into. What can you do about it? A regular application of hand cream or hand lotion will do wonders for hydrating your skin.
Beauchamp’s Hand Lotion is a fantastic treatment for dry and cracked skin. It was first developed by Fred Beauchamp over 80 years ago and it’s been a popular hand lotion ever since. Today, Travis Beauchamp, 4th generation, still compounds our famous Beauchamp’s Hand Lotion from Fred’s original formula. It’s non-greasy and feels great on dry, chapped skin. If you haven’t done so yet, try some today. We’re confident you’ll be back for more!