Labor Day 2022

Labor Day 2022

Traditionally observed on the first Monday in September, Labor Day pays tribute to the achievements and contributions of all American workers. Normally, most people will enjoy a three day weekend and hopefully enjoy time with friends and family. For many American...
Summertime Skin Care for Dry Skin

Summertime Skin Care for Dry Skin

We normally associate dry, chapped skin with the dry air days of winter. However, summer can play havoc on your skin as well. In fact, dry skin is especially prone to developing patches and small cracks that may lead to premature aging. What Causes Dry Skin During...
Dry, Chapped, Skin – When to See a Doctor

Dry, Chapped, Skin – When to See a Doctor

We all experience dry, chapped skin from time to time. In fact, it’s such a common occurrence, many of us just ignore the condition unless it starts to bother us or unless it starts to look unsightly. But, is there a time when we need to pay extra attention to...
Sandal Weather is Almost Here

Sandal Weather is Almost Here

At the time of this writing, March is almost over and that means most of us…especially those of us living in the northern sections of the country…are starting to turn our thoughts to those blessed warmer months. It’s during this time of the year...
Moisturizing Lotions vs Moisturizing Creams

Moisturizing Lotions vs Moisturizing Creams

Now that we’re in the throes of Winter, especially here in the Northeast where Beauchamp’s Hand Lotion is made, dry skin is rearing its ugly head big time. If not treated, many of us are living with itchy, dry skin all the time. It shows up as either a...
Beauchamp’s Hand Lotion is Back In Stock!

Beauchamp’s Hand Lotion is Back In Stock!

Great news! We are very pleased to have all sizes back in stock! For over 70 years, the formula for Beachamp’s Hand Lotion has not changed. We are, once again, able to get all the ingredients that go into the making of Beauchamp’s Hand Lotion. And,...